You Don’t Really Need a Mentor

There has been a lot of buzz lately around how all business owners should have a mentor to help them grow. While a mentor is certainly a wonderful person to have in your life, the search for the perfect one can often seem overwhelming. Too many business owners use not having a mentor as an excuse for their lack of forward progress. Here are four things you can do to keep growing even if you don’t have a mentor.

Find a Role Model (or Two)

Even if you don’t have the kind of relationship where you feel comfortable asking them to mentor you, you probably know a handful of people you look up to in business or in life. These people are your role models, even if you’re not talking to them regularly. Watch their actions and choices and learn from them. Sometimes they will make the right ones, and you should strive to do the same. When they make mistakes, use them as a learning experience – and watch how they turn those negatives into positives.

Be a Good Peer

We tend to think of mentorship as a vertical relationship, but just as important are the lateral relationships you build with your peers. Even though you’re all at similar points in your career, you’re going through different struggles and handling them differently. There’s much you can learn from your fellow business owners, even if it feels like you’re wandering around in the dark together. It’s far better than going it alone.

Take Professional Development Seriously

Do you have a stack of business books on your bedside table but always find yourself reaching for a novel instead? How about that podcast episode someone recommended to you as a “must-listen” that’s been in your queue for a month now? Professional development takes discipline. There’s almost always something more “fun” you could be doing, but putting in the work to better yourself will pay dividends down the road. Challenge yourself to learn a new skill or work on your weaknesses. It’s uncomfortable, but you’ll never regret it.

Mentor Someone Else

This sounds counterintuitive, but one of the best ways to master something is to teach it to someone else. Believe it or not, you have learned many skills, habits, and lessons that others haven’t yet. If you feel like there’s nothing at all you could possibly teach, it’s time to take another look at your accomplishments. We guarantee that even things that feel like minor wins are just what someone else needs to take the next step in their career. Plus, your mentee will hold you accountable as well. You’ll be more motivated to focus on professional development and to keep learning when you know you have someone else watching you and looking up to you.

Surround Yourself with Good People

A mentor isn’t a magic bullet that will give you instant success. It’s just one piece of a lifelong learning and growth strategy, and it’s up to you to advance that strategy even if you don’t have a mentor right now. The key is to surround yourself with people who help you get closer to your goals, not further away from them. This includes your partners and vendors – yes, even your credit card processor. You want to work with a credit card processor who is a true partner in your business and who takes your success seriously. That’s what we promise at 360 Payments. Give us a call at 1-855-360-0360 or drop us a line on our website. We’d love to show you how we’ve helped thousands of business owners grow their companies.

PS – No time for professional development? Try these productivity hacks to get some time back in your day.

PPS – Grow your business today with these strategies.

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